Brussels: Marie Popelin


    "No matter how intelligent, how insightful in business matters a woman may be, it is not allowed for the man to acknowledge her abilities". This is one of my favorites quotes from Marie Popelin. I think Marie was a really important figure for feminists. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind and always follow her heart. Marie was a feminists for political power for women. She was educated well for her time a went to school to get a degree in law. When she apply to the bar, she was decline because of she was a female. Instead of giving up her passions to be a lawyer, she decided to sue Belgium for dealing her. She lost the case but her message to Belgium made a huge impression on them. Belgium needs to actually follow through with allowing women to have position of power instead of decline them of that power. 

    I think what made her contribution to society important was that she wasn't afraid to reinvent herself. She set up an example to women that they can do whatever they set their minds to. Marie was a teacher, lawyer, and feminists. She also wasn't afraid to call out the government for not doing what they said they will do for women's rights. Her contribution changed how women should be viewed. She say that the government thought women were legally incompetent and what the government to change their minds about women. She helped women understand their worths and paved the way for women to hold political jobs.

I don't think Marie Popelin was commemorated well. She has a street named after her but the area of the street holds no meaning to here. It doesn't reflect her achievement to her country. I think she deserve a statue dedicated to her to really show Belgium appreciation towards her. She has a huge impact for women in political power and the street named after her doesn't do her any justice. She deserve to be seen and remember by the future generation for her accomplishment. She worked so hard to be a judge and fought even harder for women to be treated equally in Belgium. Her hard work deserves to be rewarded through a statue or something more than a street.


  1. I love how you are not afraid to follow your dreams! It’s so fun to hear about all that you are learning and seeing. What a wonderful experience you are having.

  2. Hooray for Marie and for women everywhere! I’m learning a lot about feminism.


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