Greta Thunberg


In Stockholm, we got to learn about Greta Thunberg. I can't believe she is only two year older than me and already accomplished so much in her life. She is a Swedish environmental activist. She also is diagnose with Asperger which impact her social interaction but that doesn't stop her from being an activist. One thing that I admire about Greta is that she is not afraid to speak her mind and fight for what she think is important. She doesn't travel by plane because it goes against her views (releasing CO2 into the air causing global warming) and she even got her own mother, who is an opera singer and travels a lot for her job, to stop traveling by planes. When she was only 15, she decided to strike for climate changes in front the Swedish parliament building all by herself. She didn't care that she was by herself because at least she knew she was trying to to take a stand against climate changes instead of doing nothing about it. She changed history after that by bringing more awareness to climates changes and growing her platform. 

Greta Thunberg contribute so much toward the awareness of the problem of climate changes into Stockholm and the entire world. She saw a problem and knew that she had to find a while to solve it. She wants to make earth a better and sustainable place for her generation and for future generation. Greta is not afraid to call out politicians and fight to make earth a livable place. She changed  her lifestyle (became vegan and stopped flying), to help fight climate changes. She not afraid to go on strikes and she have gave many speeches to bring awareness toward climates changes and listed some ways we can help the earth.. 

Is Greta Thunberg commemorated well? This question is difficult to answer because she still has so much time left in her life. She is only 21 and already done so much to address the problems of climate changes. Who knows what's else she has in store for the future. For right now, pretty much everyone knows or recognize her name. People could know her from her activism or her feud with Donald Trump/Andrew Tate. Greta has been nominated 5 times for the noble peace prize, was Swedish women of the year in 2019, and has a couple species named and dedicated to her. She already is recognize for influencing so many people. With what all she has done at her young age, I can't wait to see what she will do in the future.


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