Skansen Open air museum
On Thursday, I got to go through the Skansen Open Air museum in Stockholm. This museum was so cool to walk around because it took you back in time to Sweden before the industrial era. It is also the oldest open air museum. In the museum, they have a zoo, little villages to learn about history, and markets. There were people dressed in olden, traditional clothes who give you information about houses and how the people lived back then. I got to walk into this one house and learn how people back then kept their homes warm warm. This house had no chimney and held sand in the roof so that the smoke would stay in the house and warm the house all day. I also liked how the workers really got into their parts and were proud to portray their past.
I think Skansen the open air Museum is important historically and culturally to Stockholm. It is important historically because the museum exhibit the history of Stockholm/Sweden and how people in the past use to live. It brings the past back to live and transport visitors in the olden days. It goes into depth on how the city was run and they brought Stockholm to life. It is important culturally because it it filled with Sweden cultures. It holds what important to Sweden and what they use to live in the past. Workers are dressed in traditional clothings and they are many old games throughout the museum that guest can play. Skansen does an amazing job at showing their cultures and incorporating it throughout the whole museum.
Skansen open air museum contribute to Stockholm status as a cultural capital by bringing the past back to life to tourist and Swedes. It a way to honor and remember the past and see the progress of Swedens growth. The museum transports guest into the past that helps the guest have a better understanding of Sweden history and its cultures. It shows legitimacy of Sweden and that Stockholm took a long time to develop into the cultural capital it is now. The museum holds most originals houses. That contribute to Stockholm wanting to keep the past alive and show how important articles from the past are to Stockholm.
I love the picture you got here. It looks and sounds like you had a great time here. It was smart of you to mention how this is the oldest open air museum. I think this fact right here helps it contribute to Stockholms cultural capital status. Cities that have longevity, history, and a rich culture are all things that impact this status and the Skansan museum has all of these things. The people of Stockholm are able to benefit greatly because of this place.