Kathe Kollwitz
I think what makes contribution so important is how well she capture so much emotion in her work while barely having anything on her pages. She was able to show the depressing side of World War Two. After the War, she was the first women ever to be a professor at the Prussian Academy of Arts (wikipedia) but during World War Two that job was stripped from her form the Nazis. She was against war and her art perfectly describe her feeling. She is an example to not let anything get in the way of your job and don't be afraid to incorporate your emotion into you work.
I think she has been commemorated well. She is recognize as the greatest German women artist. A dance school "created Dances for Kathe Kollwitz". William T. Vollmann's incorporate Kathe Kollwitz feeling towards war in his book and dedicated a chapter after her using a title of one her pieces. "She has one of her sculpture, Mother with Dead Son, in Neue Wache in Berlin that is dedicated to Victims of War and Tyranny"(wikipedia). She also has a museum dedicated to her that hold a lot of her painting in Berlin. BYU also has some of her etching. She is well known and her work is recognize everywhere.
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